Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
3131 W 14th Ave ThorntonServices are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food…
Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
3131 W 14th Ave ThorntonServices are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food…
Holistic Health Nights
200 S Sheridan Blvd Lakewood, CO, United StatesA FREE community space for healing and wellness. We offer: -Acudetox is ear acupuncture to help with stress and mental and emotional balance. (5-7PM) -Arte Cura: A community art studio…
La Raza Youth Leadership Program
3131 W 14th Ave Denver, CO, United StatesScan QR code in flyer to register Learn from leaders in the community about the history and culture of La Raza in an immersive leadership and educational program. For students…
Focus Group for Home Buyers – English and Spanish
3131 W 14th Ave Denver, CO, United StatesINTERESTED IN BUYING A HOME? Our friends at the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority are having a focus group on March 11th from 5:30PM to 8:00PM at the Utilities offices,…