Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia / [email protected]

Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia: [email protected]

Food Distribution: Adams County

On Friday, October 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Adams County Human Services Building, Servicios de La Raza will be distributing nutritious food bags outside the Community Partner's office. The distribution will operate on a first-come, first-served basis, with on-site registration available.   Adamscounty.fooddistribution

Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia / [email protected]

Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia: [email protected]