La Raza Youth Leadership Program

3131 W 14th Ave Denver, CO, United States

Scan QR code in flyer to register Learn from leaders in the community about the history and culture of La Raza in an immersive leadership and educational program. For students in grades 9th-12th.Youth participants who complete the program will have a chance to apply for a scholarship. Contact: Monse @ 303-285-3710 / Jose @ 303-285-6282…

Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia: [email protected]

BH: Youth Thrive Support Group

200 S Sheridan Blvd Lakewood, CO, United States

A supportive space to connect. For youth ages 14-18 Dinner will be served

BH: La Raza Recovery Peer Support Group

200 S Sheridan Blvd Lakewood, CO, United States

Connect with others who understand your path to recovery English and Spanish Groups English: 720.985.0749 Spanish: 720.978.8592

Know Your Rights Workshop

3131 W 14th Ave Denver, CO, United States

Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones when confronted by ICE and/or law enforcement. No registration required. We will also have: -How to make a family safety plan -Free HIV testing -Food distribution and other resources

HELP: Vaccination Clinic at Mex Consulate

Consulado General de Mexico 5350 Leetsdale Dr Denver, CO, United States

Get vaccinated for FREE! Also get help signing up for: Medicaid CHP+ Marketplace insurance Omni Salud SNAP benefits Contact: HELP / Jehimy Proano [email protected] HELP Inquiry Line: 303-953-5940

COMIDA: Free Healthy Food

Athmar Recreation Center 2680 W Mexico Ave Denver, CO, United States

Open to residents of: Athmar Park, Barnum West, Valverde, West Colfax, Barnum, Mar Lee, Sun Valley, and Westwood. Open to households with youths ages 18 and under. Registration opens 8 DAYS PRIOR to the distribution date

FREE Outing: Roller Skating

Skate City Arvada 5353 W 64th Ave Arvada, CO, United States

Come skate with us for FREE! Bring your friends and family. All abilities welcome Call or text to sign up: English: 720-985-0749 / 720-964-6225 Spanish: 720-957-4718 / 720-978-8592

Food Distribution: The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

3131 W 14th Ave Thornton, CO, United States

Services are available by scheduled appointment. New clients must complete a Link2Feed (L2F) intake form the day they pick up their food assistance. If someone else is picking up food on their behalf, both the L2F Intake and Proxy forms must be completed before the scheduled appointment. Contact Dulce Garcia / [email protected]